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Benefits of Walking in the Spirit

In our last post, we looked at what it means to walk in the spirit. Now let's look at the benefits of walking in the spirit
  • We won't gratify the flesh: Galatians 5:16-17  The only way to avoid walking in the flesh is to walk in the Spirit. The flesh wants to dominate but we can deny it its pleasure by walking in the spirit. God's word is the spirit, and when we feed on it the flesh will be too weak to dominate us.

  • We get peace: Peace comes from within us and the only way we can experience peace, is when we walk in the spirit, John 14:27. Sometimes, when our mind is centred on the wrong thing, instead of Gods word, it makes us lose our peace. However, by walking in the spirit, we have peace even though the world is upside down. Peace is in the spirit.

  • Our faith is put into action: Our faith works when we walk in the spirit. It is essential that we know that faith doesn't work with our senses. Faith is a spirit and works by the law of the spirit. Mark 11:24, it's impossible for those who walk in the spirit to not manifest faith in their day to day life.

  • We are wiser: We become wiser each day, when we walk in the spirit. Paul spoke of how Timothy had received the word of God, that was able to make him wise, (2 Timothy 3:15). Life is spiritual, that's why we need to feed upon God's word to withstand any lies of the devil. The devil is a spirit being and he will come with all of his lies but by walking in the spirit we can discern his work and rebuke him.

  • We can truly love: God is love and John 4:24 says that God is spirit. Since God is love and spirit, then the only way we can manifest God's word towards others is by walking in the spirit. Only those who walk in the spirit can truly manifest God's love.

  • We produce fruit: Galatians 5:22-24, all of these fruit are in the spirit and can't manifest when we are walking in the flesh, we can only see them manifest in the spirit. Fruit only comes in it's season, it is the same with walking in the spirit, we don't reap fruit straightaway because it takes time to bear fruit. When we walk in the spirit, we start producing that which was difficult for us to produce in the flesh.

Life is in the spirit and death is in the flesh, so choose wisely which of them you want. I will advise you to choose life so that you can live.
