This son asked for his inheritance before his father had died. As well as being an insult, it displayed the son's lack of patience. Half of his father's possessions would one day be his, he just had to wait for it. However, he wanted it immediately, and because he had no real plan, the money was gone as quickly as he had received it.
He returned to his fathers house empty handed, with nothing to his name, as now everything his father had left, belonged to his brother.
Whenever we rush to attain things that we feel we are entitled to, we end up in a worse position than when we started. There is always a process, things we need to learn and experience before we are able to take hold of the blessings and breakthroughs that we are waiting upon.
This time of preparation helps us get ready for what God had laid before us. It's an opportunity to grow and learn what is necessary to be an effective steward.
Don't rush, enjoy the process.
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