There were women who were weeping because of how Jesus was being treated, but he told them not to weep for him. He knew that what he was experiencing was necessary, and it was also his choice. At anytime he could have asked God to save him, but he choose to go through with it so that we could be saved.
He told them to instead weep for those who had not accepted him. They were the ones who were really going to suffer. Their suffering would be so bad that people will be happy not to have children, who would want to bare children in such horrendous conditions.
Even today, people look back at what Jesus went thorough and feel sorrow, the thought of having nails hammered through your hands, being left to hang in the air until you died. As frightening as this sounds, a day is coming that will be unbearable for all those who have decided that they can do life without Christ.
So if you haven't made the decision to do so, I urge you now to give your life to him completely and you won't regret it.
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