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Lessons in Advent | Day Twenty - Luke 21:4


When it comes to giving, there is, at times, pressure to give in abundance. Sometimes we feel guilty for not placing a wad of cash in the offering bowl or writing out a large cheque. That guilt can sometimes come from others, making us feel that we have to give more in order to receive God's blessing or prove that we love and have faith in him.

This passage teaches us that the amount we give is not what God looks at, regardless of whether you give £1, £100, or £1000. God looks at our hearts and at our motives. The widow gave little, but in comparison to all that she had, what she gave was greater than what the rich gave.

Dropping £1000 in the offering bowl each week may sound impressive, but if the person giving it is a multi millionaire, earning more than 10 times that amount each week, then £1000 is a drop in the ocean.

Don't ever think that what you give to God is not good enough. 2 Corinthians 9:7, tells us that God loves a cheerful giver, so when you give to God, do it with joy.
