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Lessons in Advent | Day Twenty - Luke 20:46-47

It is our responsibility to know who we give our ear to. In this passage the people were told to beware of the teachers of the law who enjoyed the recognition that there status provided. These people had a sense of self importance, always wanting to stand out and be honoured. They thought of themselves as being holier than everyone else, with their long winded prayers and thought they were deserving of special treatment regardless of the effect it had on others.

There are many people like this today, who love being called Pastor, Reverend, Bishop, Daddy, Apostle. They love all the benefits that these titles bring them, but what they, and the teachers of the law lack is the responsibility that comes with these titles.

Being a leader is not a right, it is a privilege. The apostle Paul spoke about his right to ask of certain things for the people, but he never took advantage and paid his way when necessary in order not to be a burden on the people.

Titles and status bring with them a greater level of accountability, and with that comes greater condemnation when those responsibilities are not being met.
