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Lessons in Advent | Day Sixteen - Luke 16:31


Many people asked Jesus for a sign, to prove that he was who he said he was. It's no different today, people want to be shown that God is real, based on their own terms saying, "If god is real, let him do this." Or, "If God is real he should do that."

The rich man wanted Lazarus to go and speak to his family and warn them not to end up where he did. But, Abraham informed him that his brothers had Moses and the prophets, meaning that they already had all the information they needed to make the right choices in life.

Most people who ask for a sign don't really want to believe, and even if a sign is given all it will take is for someone else to do something more magnificent for them to turn away.

This kind of belief is superficial, they'll believe so long as their expectations are met. But blessed are those who believe without seeing.
