Judge not, lest ye be judged, a very common phrase that even those who have never picked up a bible are able to quote.
This verse in Luke 6, points out how ridiculous it is to judge others (self righteously), not just because we will be judged ourselves, but because we are in no fit state to do so. In the example, we see one person with a log in their eye, trying to help someone with a speck in their eye.
Self righteous judgement leads us to ignore the obvious flaws in ourselves, we instead look to other people's problems, no matter how small, and ignore (often times consciously) our own issues.
In verse 39, Jesus says, "Can a blind man lead a blind man?", another example could be an illiterate person trying to teach someone how to read.
We can't expect to assist and lead others when we ourselves are in need of greater help. It's only when we have worked through our own problems that we will be equipped to then provide help to those around us.
So before we go and point out another persons flaws, we should examine ourselves to see if there are any logs that need to be removed.
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