When it comes to hearing God's voice, many Christians think this is only for a selected few such as pastors and prophet etc. However, that's not true, as God speaks to us all the time but because we are not in tune with his frequency we barely hear God speak and don't even know if he speaks to us at all. Many think God will not talk to them because they are a sinner, saying, I don't pray enough and so no. Although this is partially true, it is not the main reason. Revelation 3:20 explains that Jesus Christ is knocking, all the time, at the door of our spirit but our frequency is tuned to the wrong channel. The ability to hear God's voice and know God is embedded in our spirit. John 4:24 says God is a spirit and it's our spirit that communicates with him, not our mind or thought. If we think about what we give out time to, we will see that our frequency is mostly tuned into the pressures that we are experiencing. We cannot hear God speak to us in this kind of...
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9