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Two Kinds of Wisdom

Wisdom is based on our five senses, taste, smell, touch sight and hearing. Our human wisdom is dangerous and can even destroy us if we walk by it. Genesis 3:6 we see Eve working according to sense knowledge because her decision came as a result of what she saw with her natural sight. The only way the devil was able to win over Eve was by making her see things in the physical realm, that is to say, what she needed to do in order for her to be like God.

Eve already had the wisdom of God within her but the devil shifted her eyes to fruit that was supposed to make her wise and that wisdom brought her nakedness. 

When we walk in the realm of the flesh, sin is never far away and this could make us vulnerable to every attack of the devil. Genesis 3:7 says that they realised they were naked. Many people today walk in the wisdom of this world which is fully controlled by the devil.

Earthly wisdom caused the builder in Matthew 7 to use the wrong foundation. The foundation was tested and it couldn't stand. The same can be said of everyone that walks by the wisdom of this earth

No one can everobtain faith based on the wisdom of the world. James 3:13-17 says that the wisdom of this world is harmful, unforgiving and selfish. 

Earthly wisdom is selfish and is always looking for more. The bible makes us know that too much of this comes from the devil. The wisdom of this world is self-seeking and it will do anything to glorify itself and take and keep taking without considering others. If all that you do is all about you, it's high time you pause and review your way.

We see many people boast of the things that they have done because they can't see what the truth really is. The wisdom of this world will deny the truth of God's word as we see in the life of Adam and Eve when the serpent preached a false message to Eve. We should be careful of what we hear from all those who call themselves ministers of the gospel because many of their messages are leading people to hell and destroying homes. 

Christ is our wisdom that comes from above. By believing in Jesus Christ, we have the pureness of the wisdom which is Christ. The wisdom of God is pure and it will always bring peace to our life. Pure wisdom that James talks about doesn't come from studying. You can increase in wisdom by study and constantly feed your mind with God's wisdom, but who is this wisdom that James is referring to? Christ Jesus is the wisdom that comes from above 1 Corinthians 1:30

1.  PURE, wisdom will only reflect Christ and give him all the glory. If what you call pure wisdom is glorifying yourself then it's not wisdom that comes from God

2. PEACE LOVING, when we are stuck with two opinions that divide us it is not peace-loving as we see in 1 Corinthians 3:1-8.

3. CONSIDERATE, the wisdom from above is not an inconvenience or harmful to others.

4.SUBMISSIVE, the wisdom from above is submissive and doesn't stand on its own. The wisdom from above is ready to conform to the authority or the will of others.

6. GOOD FRUIT, when Christ is in us and we yield ourselves to him we are bound to produce good fruit. The wisdom of God will always produce fruit because a corrupt tree will bring corrupt fruit.

7. IMPARTIAL AND SINCERE, the wisdom from above doesn't show partiality and is sincere in its judgement.

The bible tells us that Christ has become our wisdom, and we can increase in wisdom through the word of God. The word says we are born of God, that means we have the wisdom of Christ in our spirit and meditating on God's word will enable us to manifest the wisdom of God that is in our spirit.
