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Spiritual blindness

Physical blindness is the inability to see anything including light. Physical blindness is caused by various things, however, that's not what we are going to be looking into today. Physical blindness can require the aid of someone else, the same can be said of spiritual blindness.

Spiritual blindness is worse than physical blindness. It is a condition that makes it difficult for individuals to see or understand God despite the fact that God is working all around us, pursuing us and showing us his glory. The scribes and Pharisee studied the word to teach people, still, they were spiritually blind. Why? Because they claimed to know everything. However, when the promised Messiah came they couldn't see nor tell because they had been blinded by self-righteousness.

Spiritual blindness is sometimes caused when one glorifies himself above God's word. In 2 Corinthians 4:3-4. Paul says, if our gospel is hidden from people, it's hidden because the god of this world has blindfolded them so that they may not see the gospel of Christ. John 10:10 says that the devil comes to steal and to destroy which is how he blindfolds many people and stops them receiving from God.

Causes of Spiritual Blindness

1) Lack of Understanding: The only way we can get to know God is through his spoken word but if we don't read his word, which reveals who he is to us, we will lack the understanding needed to know him. You can't understand what you have not read. Today we see that many people think that Christianity is a white man's religion or a way to manipulate people. Matthew 13:10-20 helps us understand the reason why they couldn't understand God's word. It is because their heart was dull. The word dull here means a lack of interest or excitement, we must show excitement and interest in God's word in order to understand it. Thinking the word of God is not exciting enough can lead to spiritual blindness. Lack of understanding can affect our judgment as we see with the scribe who believed there was no resurrection because they tried to use human logic when thinking of the things of God.

2) Lack of Acknowledgement of God's Word: The bible makes it clear that even nature tells us about the existence of God 2 Timothy 3:7Philemon 1:6Romans 1:18-23. Many people try to deny the existence of God by saying the world was formed from one big explosion. In doing so they reject God and don't want to acknowledge him.

Spiritual blindness can hinder many things in our life. Jesus says lest they hear with their ear and see with their eye and believe with their heart and I will heal them.

The features of a phone are more than just making phone calls and sending messages but that's what many people do because they haven't spent time checking the other features.
Unanswered prayers can be caused by spiritual blindness. Have you ever been so focussed on a particular thing that you miss the whole picture of what you were supposed to do? James 4:3 says, you ask and receive not because you asked amiss, this is sometimes caused by spiritual blindness. When one is spiritually blind, he/she can be praying, asking God for what he has made available already. The bible says, my people are lead into captivity because of lack of knowledge. We are where we are because we are spiritually blind.
