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Importance of Meditation

Many people think that meditation is of the devil and that it's actually wrong for Christians to meditate. However, this is not true. Meditation can take many forms and how the world meditates is not how we as children of God meditate. 

To meditate is to ponder on what you have heard and read. It's important that we think deeply and reflect on what we believe and how we put it into action. Without this introspection, we can forget the importance of living righteously and following the lessons of the word of God.

We don't need a special place to meditate upon God's word, nor is it something we can be taught. We only need to allow God's word to fill our minds and we will see how edifying it can be.

Meditation is a helpful form of stress relief and has many other health benefits. If it can help our physical bodies, how much more will it benefit us spiritually?
The bible says, concerning Isaac, that he went out to meditate. I believe that Abraham must have taught Isaac the importance of meditation. Moses, Joshua and David all meditated upon God's word and they become successful in everything that they did.

Some believers think that meditation is a new age practice, and so don't want to say that they meditate. But meditation is important for Christians and we should spend time meditating upon God's word, Genesis 24:63

Reasons to Meditate:

We should meditate upon God's word because we delight in him. You won't meditate on something that you have no delight in. Proverbs tells us that meditation guards our path Proverbs 4:20-22Proverbs 4:26-27. In Psalms, it says that meditating helps correct our path. Psalm 1:1-3. It's impossible for those who spend a tremendous amount of time, meditating on God's word, to miss their path. In Psalm 119:67, the psalmist says, before I was afflicted I went astray. No one can go astray without first neglecting the truth. But when we meditate on God's word our feet are fixed on our direction. In Proverbs 4:26, we are told to ponder the path that we take. When we ponder or meditate upon God's word we can't lose our way because God's word becomes our compass Psalm 119:105.

Meditation helps us be filled with the Spirit, Ephesians 5:17-20.  There are people who are so angry because that is what they meditate upon all the time. The only way we can be filled with the spirit is to meditate upon God's word and we should also fill our mind with spiritual songs and hymns.

Failure and success come as a result of wrong and right meditation? Look at Job 3:26. Job was always afraid of what would happen to his children and, one day, those fears came to pass. So as Christians, what we meditate on is very important. We must be filled with God's word.

Meditating gives us understanding, Psalms 119:97-99. When we spend time in God's word our knowledge increases and our relationship with God is, in turn, made stronger.

Meditating helps us control any anxiety. Isaiah 26:3 says peace comes as a result of meditating on God's word. Phillippians 4:6 says we should be anxious for nothing. If you are going through some difficulty or worrying over the affairs of life and don't know what to do, just meditate upon God's word and this will bring peace to your heart.

Meditating brings remembrance. When we reflect on what God has done for us, it brings us joy. We look back at all that God has done, knowing that if he has done it before, he can do it again.

Meditation increases our faith and since faith comes by hearing God's word (Romans 10:17), through meditation your faith will increase.

Meditating keeps us from sin. In Psalms119:9, 11 David says, Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against God. When we meditate on God's word, we are conscious of what we do and try to live our lives in a way that brings him glory.

When we know the importance of meditating we ignore what the world says it is and instead take time out of our day to focus on the things of God. Be encouraged to meditate and see how it will impact your life. 
