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Humility is having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance. Humbleness must come from our hearts and not our heads. Humbleness can't be copy and paste but must be understood. Pride doesn't start in a day and doesn't destroy in a day. Pride is a slow poison that kills gradually but we must reject pride by humbling ourselves before God.

Pride could bring down a man and destroy everything that he has worked for. The bible says that pride goes before a fall, Proverbs 16:18

King Uzziah had a humble beginning when he sought after God in the days of Zechariah. But when his heart was lifted, he destroyed himself as a result of pride. We must humble ourselves in the place where God has put us. It wasn't the king's job to burn incense in the house of God but because he had become great he had no respect for order anymore, even after being warned by the priest.

It takes humility of the heart for one to listen to advice but a prideful heart will refuse that advice. We don't know it all and we should never think of ourselves more than we should. Prov 12:15, 15:33. When we allow pride into our life we start thinking that we're bigger, and no one is our equal. When we walk in humbleness we have and can deal with all kinds of people. Romans 12:16

In Esther 1:10-13, Vashti lost her position, as a result of pride. She may have thought to herself, "He's my husband. What can he do? But that simple refusal cost her her crown. 

Some people allow pride to come into their heart due to what they have achieved. Lucifer came down because of pride. He desired things that don't belong to him, Isaiah 14:12-14. Pride starts with a thought that we give attention to until it takes control over us.

Humility gives knowledge and understanding. God had to reveal the future plan to Daniel because he humbled himself to know, Daniel 10:12. Many people have stopped growing in knowledge and can't gain understanding because of pride.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 8:1, knowledge puffs up. Many people think they know more than the leader because they are well educated, well dressed and more outspoken, yet they will not move beyond their position in life because of their pride. 

As Christians, we must humble ourselves before God and man for God to uplift us. We should be grateful and thankful. James 4:6, God gives more grace to the humble, when we humble ourselves before God he will lift us up. The more God blesses us the more humble we should be.

Genesis 16:1- 9, Hagar was a humble servant causing Sarah to recommended her to Abraham. But when she became pregnant she despised her mistress.

Pride causes unanswered prayers

Through humbleness, our prayers are answered. In Luke 18:9-14, the Pharisee was full of pride because of the amount of tithe he paid and his constant prayer and fasting. We see how the publican prayed, he submitted himself to God's mercy, he had nothing to brag about and he went home with his prayer answered.
King Nebuchadnezzar fell because he looked out of his courtyard and started praising himself, failing to give God glory. We should put God first in everything that we do.

How To Be Humble

Philippians 2:1-9, Hebrew 12:2. Many think it's an insult to humble themselves before others but our example of humility is seen in Christ Jesus. He came into the world and took the form of a man, faced one of the most humiliating deaths. Humbleness makes us low and submissive before anyone. It's humbleness that brought Christ into the word and the same humbleness took him to the cross. Humbleness must be something that comes from our spirit and not what people compel us to do. When you are compelled to do something, that's not really humbleness because, within you, you are complaining, cursing and doing all kinds of things. Jesus Christ is God and yet he took the form of a servant and died a servant. James 1:23, the more of Christ's revelation we have in us, the more humble we will become. 2 Corinthians 3:18.
