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Delight In Weakness

Weakness is often seen as a negative, no one wants to appear weak, we want to appear as if we can do it all. In the work place, in the home, even in church, everyone wants to show that they are capable. The problem with this comes when we are unable to to admit that we need help, when we put ourselves under unnecessary pressure and then wonder where God is.

In 2 Corinthians 12:10, Paul tells of how he delights in weakness, pain and suffering...why? Who would say that this is something to be joyous about, no one wants to suffer or experience pain. However, Paul was happy to experience this, not because of the experience itself, but because when he was at his weakest point, the Divine power of the Holy Spirit gave him the strength to go on.

When we try to do something by ourselves we can get in God's way, but when we admit that we need help, when we step back and cast our burdens or weaknesses onto Him, we allow Him the room in which to move in that situation. So in our times of weakness we are made strong in God's power. Remember Philippians 4:13, it is God who gives us the strength, we don't have to struggle to produce it on our own.

So don't be afraid to ask for help, don't worry that others will think less of you. That person offering that hand of assistance may have been sent by God in order to help see you through.
