We were made to be in relationship not just with God, but with those around us. These relationships can take many forms, but regardless of the types of relationships we have, we must always set the standard. John 13:34-35 states that we will be known by the love we show to each other, not how holy we appear to be or how many times a day we pray. Then there is also Matt 5:21-26 , if another believer has offended us, we shouldn't hold on to anger against them. How can we say we love each other if there is anger between us? Issues should be dealt with before they lead to a break in relationship. We need to stop gossiping, judging, and discouraging each other. Instead, we should lift each other up, help those who have issue with habitual sin, learn to be discrete with what we are told by others. If we don't show love to those we call our brothers and sisters, why would an unbeliever think we would treat them any better. They should see our love and want to e...
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9