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Showing posts from October, 2023

How We Treat Jesus: Mocked

Mocked We've seen how Jesus was despised, particularly by the pharisees. Now let's look at those who mocked him. In  Luke 23:8-11 , Jesus stands before Herod. Herod wanted him to perform some kind of miracle so he could see what all the fuss was about.  However,  Jesus stood, in silence, not wanting to perform for Herod, so Herod, instead, made his own entertainment by mocking Jesus. Not only that, he sent Jesus back to Pilate, dressed in 'splendid clothing', another attempt at making fun of our saviour. In   Matthew 9:23-24 ,  the people laughed at Jesus when he said that the leaders daughter was just sleeping and not dead. As Jesus hung from the cross, he was mocked by the rulers and soldiers,  v:34-38 . Many of them would have seen the miracles that Jesus had performed, but in this moment, Jesus was a laughing stock because he couldn't (wouldn't) save himself. These things shouldn't suprise us,  2 Peter 3:3-4 , warns that believers will be mock...

How Do We Treat Jesus: Despised

(This message was taught on the 24th of September 2023) Whilst Jesus walked the earth, he interacted with many people. Most of these interactions ended with a great miracle or life changing massage.  Even with this, not everyone treated Jesus well, even those who were close to him.   We all look at the various biblical figures and take inspiration from the things they said and did. But there are those we look at and wonder, how could they do that? What we fail to realise is that we too behave in the same way. Our behaviour towards Jesus and the things of God aren’t always what they should be. We sometimes treat him worse than unbelievers. We’re going to look at how different people in the bible treated Jesus and how we also do the same.   Despised Jesus To despise someone means to look down on them. It means hating them and seeing them as having little or no value. The pharisees, regularly despised Jesus and tried to discredit him. They constantly tested Jesus, attempting...