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Showing posts from January, 2022

What A Privilege: 1 Peter 1:10-12

1 Peter 1:10-12 The prophets of the OT knew that something great was to happen, but not everything about Christ's victory over death (the how and when) had been revealed to them. They did, however, know that the messages they were speaking were not just for the people pf their time but also for all believers to come. These messages are now ministered to us through men and women of God, today. It is the same Spirit working in them, that worked in the prophets. Only we get to see and experience the results of Christ's suffering and glory. We are in such a privileged position, because we have the word, we have the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit, we live in the promise of a victory that has already been realised. The prophets could only imagine, but we don't have to. Don't take for granted what you have before you, we have so many resources regarding God's word and his kingdom, we have the ability to come to the Lord as we are, without having to go through any ceremonia...

12 Days of Fasting

Today is the first day of our 12 days of fasting. As this is our year of All Round Victory, it is important for us to start it off in the right way. Our focus scripture this week will be Psalm 110:3 Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power,  in holy garments from the womb of the morning, the dew of your youth will be yours I encourage you to read this Psalm in full, though it is short, it tells us so much of Gods glory and his victory of his enemies. Some of our prayer points are: For God to reveal his glory to us and through us this year. Wisdom to make the right decisions, for business, prosperity, marriage, and parenting. Prayer for the peace of the land.

2022: Year of All Round Victory

Happy New Year to all from CDC UK and everyone in the Dominion World Outreach family. 2022 has been declared as our year of all round victory. So we pray for victory in your spiritual growth, family, work, business, health, finance, education and relationships. May God continue to richly bless you this year. In Jesus mighty name, AMEN.